Friday, October 13, 2006


Why do we men need women?

  • A simpleton would say, "Women are sweet, pretty things we men should love and protect."

  • A poet would say, "Without women, my world is all grey."

  • A song-writer would say, "Without women, I wouldn't have composed all these nice songs."

  • A practical man (READ: A Male Chauvinist Pig) would say, "Without women, who's going to do my cooking and washing?"

  • A blogofriend of mine, a gal who'd sent me several "sexist" jokes making light of how stupid we men are, would have said, "Men are dumb. They need women to guide them in their lives."

I would say, all the above are TRUE (and no, I'm no chauvinist pig).

Funny how a colleague of mine used to quip that in a cold war between a man and a woman, it is usually the former who breaks the ice and starts the road to reconciliation. Her reason? We men need SEX. Aha.... that's more true than any of the above.

I'm sure Victor would be the first to agree.

Category: Musings


Lam Chun See said...
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Lam Chun See said...

Somebody (not me) once said that man's greatest need is the need to be needed. Hence, man and woman need each other.

Of course the only one who can give the answer is the one who created man and woman; but if I went into the details, I might be accused of trying to evangelize .. so go and read Genesis chapter 2 yourself.

Question - have you ever wondered why the Chinese refer to their wives as 内人?

Chris Sim said...

Ooi, christian soldier, never be afraid to preach the word of God, ok? From what I understand from Genesis 2, it says:

And the LORD God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: This is now bone of my bones. And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man."

I agree that women and men need each other. But women are meant to be a "helper" of men? But again, many women are up in arms over this, even using the bible as "evidence". You know what they say about we men have to make the coffee in the morning? The women insist that the bible says so, and all because of the word HEBREWS as in "He Brews". We men could never out-talk the women, can we? *Speechless* LOL.

Chris Sim said...

As to why we call our wives 内人, I think it sounds better and more refine than saying, "这个是我的女人".

No? Pray tell.

Victor said...

Don't evangelize Chris.

If you ask me, of course a man like me would say that men need women first and foremost because of sex. Wait, don't flame me just yet. That is strictly a personal point of view. But of course there are more reasons than that. It is also because of love and companionship (this applies to both sexes). And there's more - to reproduce, i.e. to produce "jewels of the loin". If I remember correctly, you mentioned this phrase before. I think you said that it was a phrase quoted from the Bible. (In that sense, Chun See is richer than any of us here, since he has three "jewels", haha). In short, man needs woman (and vice versa) to procreate and propagate the human race. Needless to say, you can't do that without sex unless you do it with a test tube, of course. But before you start having any wild ideas (which I know you will), please note that both nouns are singular, i.e. "man" and "woman", meaning that sex is meant to be an act between husband and wife, if I need to make myself clear.

But then, why are there so many people of both sexes remaining single, especially in Singapore? Of course I know that some of them are not single by choice. And I have evidence to support what I am talking about - you just need to look around our, er... place during 8 am to 5 pm on a weekday.

Also many Singaporean married couples are choosing not to have children. You and I also know of such examples but I shan't name them because I would like to live longer and die a natural death.

In addition, you also know that some men choose not to have women but much prefer members of their own sex instead (this applies to both sexes again). But before you jump to conclusion (as you often do), let me state categorically that I don't belong to this category (pardon the pun).

So basically, it's a matter of choice. Isn't how you want to live your life basically just that too - a matter of choice as well?

As for the homework given by Chun See, I think we call our wives 内人 (nei4 ren2) because wives are supposed to stay home to take care of the family (hence 内 meaning "internal") while husbands are supposed to go out and work to bring home the bacon, bread, rice (and what have you) to feed the family. But don't ask me why husbands are not called 外人.

See, I mean Chun See, I always hand in my homework on time. 我真听话.

(This essay contains 454 characters.)

Chris Sim said...

EVANgelising? yeah..... she seems to have disappeared from the face of earth?! Heh. And no, I'm also not evangelising here….

Victor, I din quite expect this. You've touched from the needs of men to sex to singlehood to homosexuality and to being childless by choice.

But guess what? All the answers can be found in the Bible. No? You're not searching for life's answers? Well..... …

Let's start with man's needs. God probably knew that we men are weak (He's God, after all), so He decides to give men a "helper" in the form of a woman to see to all his needs - well, these needs are emotional, sexual and, dare I say, domestical? Any wonder why there is a woman behind every successful man? Juz ask Chun See. Hehe.

But let's talk about sex. Sex is something that God gives us men and women to enjoy. But wait, before you jump into conclusion, as you always do, the bible says that sex is to be enjoyed only between the husband and the wife. And God din mean for sex in marriage to be for reproduction only. God has also meant sex as a tool for the bonding of love between husbands and wives. It is for the enjoyment between couples.

"Rejoice in the wife of your youth.... Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love." - Proverbs 5:18-19

"Husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man is actually loving himself when he loves his wife.... So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself." - Song of Songs 7:6-12

And please stop taking swipes at the singles in our office, specifically, the antique category. The bible too, has quotes for the singles.

"Some choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 19:12

"God gives some the gift of marriage, and to others he gives the gift of singleness." - Corinthians 7:6-8

As for couples who choose not to have kids by choice, well, Victor, they are known as DINKS - Double Income No Kids.

"God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number. Fill the earth and subdue it.' " - Genesis 1:28. Obviously childbirth was an important and intended function for humans. And kids are God's greatest gifts. But I guess it's a matter of personal choice....

Homosexuality is clearly an abomination and detested by God. But juz because someone is a gay, it does not mean that we could not love him or her. We cannot condone their act or inclination, that's for sure, but we could still accord him the same dignity we do to fellow human beings. We could only pray for their salvation.....

And Victor, for the record, I said "fruits of your loin". No one is interested in your "family jewels" unless you're a Eunuch, in which case, the Emperor would be keen to see them in a little punch. LOL.

Lam Chun See said...

Nothing like a subject related to sex to bring out a long comment from Victor. (adjective coincidental hor).

And I am really impressed with Chris' mastery of the scriptures.

Anyway, Victor seems to think that anyone who claims to be God-fearing regards sex as dirty. Thanks to Chris for his clarification.

After God brought the Eve (not Steve, by the way) to Adam he told them to be fruitful and replenish the earth. Do you think he expects them to do that by holding hands only?

Anonymous said...

gosh, why mention me again?! *bang head against the wall*

Chris Sim said...

Oopss I meant pouch, of course, and NOT punch, in case Victor prance on my typo again. Hahaha.

Anonymous said...

We all have out needs. Men need their kakis to go drinking, golfing and mahjong etc.. Women need each other to gossip, compare their handbags or the latest spa treatment. So, men and women need each other to produce babies to make the world go on and on...

Victor said...

Chun See, where did I say I think that anyone who claims to be God-fearing regards sex as dirty? *bang head against the wall*

Evan - so you're still silently stalking this blog. Thanks goodness. "Cannot like that. Read already must make your presence felt mah." - was this the advice you gave to Elaine?

Chuck - You must update your thinking. Nowadays women also go drinking, golfing and mahjong etc.

Anonymous said...

Why are the lionesses doing the hunting while the males just do the eating ? you will notice that when coming to defend the territory, the males will do the fighting. Females are intelligent enough to support their males so that they will defend them. That is why NS is necessary. In today society, the roles seem to reverse.