Monday, June 20, 2005

Batman Begins (not to make much sense) ...

Caught "Batman Begins" today with the kids. Turned out that the latest movie of the comic hero by DC Comics is actually an adult movie. Yes, definitely an adult movie -without the sex parts.

The movie attempts to trace Batman's origin, devoting a good half of the movie on the slaying of Bruce Wayne's parents in a robbery, how Bruce went missing, and how he finally emerged, 7 years later, showing off his "ninja" (can you believe that?) moves. It transpired out that while missing, he was being trained by martial arts mystic. There was even a scene of him in a Chinese prison, speaking Chinese and proclaiming that he's not a criminal, "我 不 是 犯 人". Films critics on the paper commented that this movie was much "darker" compared to its predecessors. Darker because it has, or rather Batman has so much negative energy in him, and being pre-occupied with revenge in his mind. I agree. It was so dark that I've have difficulty trying to follow the movie. Somehow, I have problem coming to terms with a Batman showing off his high kicks and ninja moves.

I'm not a film critic, so I'm not going to comment more. Junior was getting fidgety, asking me several times "when is Batman going to appear"? And I bet many kids in the cinemas were asking the same question. Should have watched Madagascar instead. Hmmm....

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