Thursday, June 02, 2005

Not over the hill, and certainly not off (nor on) the pill ....

It's that time of the year again, when you see people emerging from the Boss' office, some with happy faces, some with smug faces, and yet some with crest-fallen and angry faces. It's the time when all around you, people were seen hurdling in one corner of the office, whispering in hushed tone, and time when emails from the office computers were flying across the room, faster then the speeding bullet.

It's promotion time in the office. Today's entry is not about me not being promoted. It's about those colleagues of mine who did and did so deservedly. Today's entry is a celebration of sorts, for their promotion.

VT, an outstanding colleague of mine 9 years my senior was one of those promoted. He bought us lunch at Sakura Thai restaurant today. The food was good; the company even better. VT's promotion is important to many people his age. It gives them hope with the message that men and women of 50 are certainly not "over the hill" and off the pill (for the women) nor on the pill (for the men). My good pal Victor Koo was most pleased and encouraged. You see, Victor has the notion that people in his age group have no more room for advancement in the office. Mind you, Victor is not your average employee. Fast approaching 50, he is a consultant in my office. VT's promotion has offered a glimpse of hope to Victor, and many others, I'm sure.

Victor, if you're reading this, I look forward to your treat in the very near future. Cheers!


Victor said...

Haha, you really made my head (you know which one) swell with this one. You must be joking and I must repeat this as it seems that you didn't get it the first time round - my promotion is long and hard to get. Just like at my age, it is long and hard to get long and hard without the aid of the pill.

Now I know why Cupid posted comments on your blog but not mine. You mentioned being 'on the pill' so Cupid figured that you probably need help in this area, haha.

But seriously, why did you think blogspot was free? It is because of these pesky 'sponsors' of course.

Chris Sim said...

I don't care how long and hard and how long it takes to get it long and hard. You're losing steam Victor. You need an impetus. A motivation. Lunch at Makasutra will surely perk you up (but not on me). See ya at 1130hrs.

As for Cupid, as least I have someone other than Victor Koo visiting my blog... Hee!