See, for reasons I've no wish to dwell into, my office, like some private firms, has banned the use of camera phones. Awww... come on. In this time and age, only people living in the Stone Age carry phones that only function as, well, a phone. How could the IT-savvy me, as claimed by Victor, be seen carrying a basic phone? I have a reputation to uphold, you know.
I understand the rationale behind the ban. But dammit! I wanna a camera-phone! I want, I want!
Thankfully, the gods who banned camera phones are not beyond reasons. Perhaps it has finally dawned on them that technology is here to stay and that it's better to keep up with technology instead of forever living in the Stone Age.
No, the possession of the camera-phones in the office premises is still against regulations, and rightly so. But happily, security boxes (like the safe boxes found in commercial banks) have been erected at the office atrium. The onus is on officers with camera-phones to deposit their gadgets into the boxes before entering into their office. It’s an OMO operation and is absolutely hassle-free. You choose any of the available empty boxes, throw your stuff in, lock it and keep the key. You could draw the phone while out for lunch, deposit it back later and then collect the phone on your way out when you’re done for the day.
Of course, people who are IT-idiot find this a bother. Victor, for one, said he would see if I could keep up with this practice of depositing my phone at the atrium. I told him it's a small inconvenience to pay for the spontaneity I enjoy with my new camera-phone. The camera-phone makes blogging so much easier and more fun. If you spotted anything that catches your fancy or worth blogging, you juz reach for you camera-phone and simply snap! Of course, the picture resolution might not be as good as a normal camera, but if it's juz for blogging, a tech geek would tell you that a 2-megapixal camera-phone is more than sufficient to do a decent job. Here’s one shot with my new toy. Not too bad, huh?
Besides, I don't want to be seen lugging a camera around my neck like some goon, looking like a tourist in Singapore. No wonder he almost got beaten up by some madman at Mohamad Ali Lane.
Category: Musings
Chey - Like dat also wan to laugh at your friend. Shame on you.
Not having a camera phone is no crime, okay? On the other hand, being caught with one in the office is. A very serious one some more. Who is to guarantee that the forgetful you will never one day forget to deposit the phone into the safe box? Knowing your A** luck, that will be the day when they conduct a security check and find the spy phone on you. Don't say I neber warn you hor.
And what happened to the photo of the fruits we took at the food centre on Monday? You are certainly taken your own sweet time to play... I mean blog with your new toy. Muahahaha.
Say, Chris, what phone did you get? N91?
Yes I too want to get a camera phone. My present Samsung X660 pictures not good. Serves me right for getting 'free' phone. Thanks for this article. I not sure 2.0 mp is good enuf.
Can recommend one that is cheapest. I don't want to spend too much becos already have 3 digital cameras - not counting the free gift from Courts (so lousy not worth counting it)
er.... I have photos in my camera phone for 2 years now, how do you upload it onto the blog?
Depending on the phone you're holding, u can do any of these:
1. Get a USB adaptor for your phone and juz transfer the fotos to your PC. The adaptor must be compartible to your phone hor.
2. If your phone comes with an expansion slot for memory card where you store your fotos, remove the card and use a card reader (either built in or USB-based) to transfer files to your pc lor.
3. If you have bluebooth on your phone and your pc, u can use bluetooth technology to do the transfer also.
Piece of cake hor? Friendly advice from helpdesk. For further queries, pse call 1800-MENOTSOGOON. Hahahah...
Chun See
Ya, you'd agree a camera phone is pretty handy, huh? What? Want cheap and more then 2-mp? Difficult lah. 2 mp is good enough. The foto I uploaded no good meh? Can lah, too clear can see all the crow feet and wrinkles one...ha! I paid only $48 for the phone with a 2-year sub-plan from Starhub.
I got the NOKIA 6233. Not very cool looking, but the features are juz right for me. I even uploaded movies into it. Support up to 2G of micro-SD card. It has a speaker on both sides of the phone. Sound quality from mp3 is rather good.
To each his own lah... I bet your hands are also getting quite itchy right? Dun let me catch you with a camera-phone. What fruit? Oh... the pinapple arh? Sure, watch for my next post. Sabar lah.
To all: Actually for web postings, 2MP is more than enough. In fact, @2MP you can print up to 4R photos already.
Chris: Vic has a point there, because you drive, you might just take the lift from the basement carpark straight to your office. It'd be safer if you were to take a bus/cab to work, as you're sure to pass by the lobby and security counter. Knowing how absent-minded you can get, he was saying for your own good.
Now Alex is speaking like a real geek. And you bet he's got every qualification to do so - he's our office top engineer leh. Dun play play. But Alex, have u been living in the Stone Age, too? Pse lah, haven't you heard they gonna install the boxes at the carpark? In any case, if there's a spot check at the carpark gantry, it will serve as a reminder for me to REMEMBER to deposit my phone at level 1. Hello? I'm not that old and forgetful, ok? Look at my photo. Do I look like an old man? Dun listen to Victor's crap lah. Hng!
As an engineer, I use the correct tool for the correct purpose. Although I don't own a camera phone (and proud of it!), I do have a professional DSLR to capture the precious moments. You can engage me for your next wedding anniversary.
Anyway, the digital age has evolved so fast, that many forgot the actual purpose and meaning of using a device. You're old and slightly forgetful, but you're trying to keep up with the times. Keep it up!
Alex G - thanks but no thanks. What for? As you said it yourself, you have a PROFESSIONAL DSLR, but u neber said you'er a professional photographer mah. Sorry, no faith in you. Hahaha....
Wrong Alex, it should be the other way round. I'm forgetful and "slightly old". Old man dun look that good, ok?
So what exactly does the device serve? I dun mean the "keep it up" device, but I assume you're taking about camera?
Woa, I know engineers are known to be square but they talk also quite direct and not so diplomatic one hor? (sorry chun see, not directing at you hor... u aso engineered-trained, rite?)
I'm also carrying a phone that is just a phone. I ne'er paid a single cent on a phone. I always wait 2 yrs for FREE upgrade from the service provider :O
So I'm always 2 years behind phone technology. Boo me !
I'm a semi-pro photographer, doing it as a hobby and, well, free-lance. You can check out my portfolio on model shoots, weddings, events etc. Will give you special discount for your anniversary. But strictly for your wife only, no mistress etc... ha!
Okok, an old man will never admit he's old, just like a drunken man will nevery say he's drunk. You'd rather be fogetful than old! Anyway the picture caption should go "Junior and I".
I still remembered those days when I had to attend to your problems, you were pretty afraid of computers, let alone other digital gadgets. I see that you've came a long way, even to the extend of playing mentor to Victor!
CS has engineering background? He sure doesn't sound like one...
TF: Nothing to be ashamed of. Men generally need gadgets with many buttons to feel more secure.
Woah Alex, what are you trying to do here? Usurp my position? So argumentative - going around attacking everyone in sight... I mean site.
Alex - Pse stop this "SPAM" hor. Go promote or sell your "ware" somewhere else lah. Or put it up in a blog. I challenged Victor and he took up the challenged with a blog and he's half famous in blogosphere. I dare you! And you can put up your portfolio for all who care to see. But who wants a semi-pro? You know semi gets you nowhere, even in the bedroom department. ROTFLVVVL....
You're quite a joker leh. Pse man, whatever gave u the idea I was computer-phobic? Never was, and never will be. You are PAID to help us, remember? So why should I DO the job for you? Hehehehe..
Woa... teaching me English wor. Strictly speaking, "Junior and I" is right. But then again it sounded kinda "stiff" leh, like "The King and I". It's perfectly ok to use English loosely in the blog lah. Juz like the song "Me and you and a dog named BOOOOO!" Imagine how it would have sounded if the title has been "The dog named Boo, you and I". Got me drift? Oh, forget you may not know the song hor... you were probably a diaper-wearing infant when Lobo sang one of his famous hits. Oh, dunno who Lobo is ah? Sigh.... I can't help you lor. LOL.
And you think you're the only engineer here ah? Pse lah. How does an engineer sound like exactly? Does he sound like a trumpet?
Wahahahahahaha.... Hng! Haven't died before...
Men generally need gadgets with many buttons to feel more secure.
Are you describing yourself, Alex? What kinda of psychological shit is this? From where and whom one?
Tigerfish - it's ok one. According to my good pal Alex, only men who feel insecure need gadgets with buttons to make them feel secure. You're not a man, so you can continue to use your basic phone for another 10 years. LOL.
But honestly, the main reason why I got a camera-phone is to make it more convenient for me to snap fotos for my blog. It's snappy and extremely convenient. No need to carry a digi camera around mah, like my good pal Victor does. Ha.
Oh vicious me. Alex, do take what I write with a pinch of salt. I'm nasty. And I haven't quite got over my women-bashing mood. Oops sorry... forgot you're not a woman. Wrong target. Wahahahah..
Ha, come to think of it, I'm very much a private person. Hence blogging is out for me. Furthermore, I don't have so much free time (like you guys) to keep up with the postings.
Think you've got the wrong perception that "Semi-pro" is inferior to "pros". Check out the market and you'll know of what tactics the "pros" can came out with. Anyway, I do not deceive others by claiming to be a "pro" when I'm not. That's me.
During my times, Lobo is only used to call the group of people in NS who have nothing to do, either out of course, or just attached for a very short period. Haven't heard no band by this name.
Happy Lunar New Year to you, slim lady, and all your juniors!
Men generally need gadgets with many buttons to feel more secure.
Btw the size of the gadget, or the number of buttons/functions is directly proportionate to the man's ego, and inversely proportionate to his sense of security!
Hmmm... Why am I man-bashing?
Btw the size of the gadget, or the number of buttons/functions is directly proportionate to the man's ego, and inversely proportionate to his sense of security!
Woa Alex... cheem arh...
Ok lah, hey, it's a brand new year! May the golden pig bring you lots of happiness, good health and more "buttonful" gadgets! And to your wife and little Christopher, too!
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