Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sexiest mid-lifer-bloggers alive

I took a double-take when I saw this in today's ST, thinking I caught Victor in there. Hehehe..

Uncle Lam, is your picture somewhere there as well?

I come in peace, my friends...just horsing around...




Victor said...

Hallo Chris, I am not yet 50 ok. Even if it is only one day short, I am still in the 'below 50' category and will never admit to that. However, I readily accept the part about being 'still sexy', hee.

Chris Sim said...

You'll be comes March. It's sooner than you thought. Get ready for "Hawaii 5-O" pal. And it's not entirely a bad thing. You'd finally get the respect that old people deserve, not forgetting the freebies our government is giving to the senior citizens. You got more take-home pay (no matter the deduction in CPF). You get concessions on public transport (no matter that you're driving). And there're even seats on the buses that are reserved for the elderly. Because of you, my dear friend, who forms part of the aging population, the government has decided to make lift-upgrading a top priority in all the HDB estates. So, what's wrong with admitting that you've hit or about to hit the BIG 50?

Lam Chun See said...

I don't think there are any feebies until after 55. Anyway your phrase "You'd finally get the respect that old people deserve" really scares me.

The only time I was happy to be another year older was when I reached Category Z for the IPPT when I could pass the 2.4 km run with relative ease.