Friday, July 01, 2005

Seems like old time ....

I no longer served my ICT, having completed my 13-year cycle in 2003. I guess most males in Singapore, whether we like to admit it or not, view the army and the ICT as a complete waste of time. But being able-body and fit like a bull, most of us have no choice but to be enlisted for National Service. The joke that went round during my time was just SAF - Served and F***** off. It was with great pleasure that I kissed the SAF goodbye in 2003.

Sometimes, life can be stranger then fiction. By a twist of fortune (or misfortunate), I have been selected to attend a 1-week course in an army camp - the very one where I used to served my ICT no less! It was a collaboration of sorts my company has with the SAF. Man, it was like going back to an old girl friend whom I parted ways in less then friendly term. It seems like old time ...

The trip to the camp today brought back nothing but bad memories about my army days. The smell of the lecture room which still looks very run-down, the regimental manners which some of the officers adopt when talking to their "men", the few recognisable faces of my army "baddies" (as opposed to "buddies") who were guilty of "tekaning" me one way or another when I was a "little wet behind my ears", and yes, even the army food though the food has improved slightly over the years.

I was however, pleasantly surprised by some of the baddies' hospitality. Perhaps age does mellow people down somewhat. Alex, the skinny fox who used to be the ICT RSM and has seemingly put on some weight in the middle, was one of the firsts who greeted me. I never could see things eye-to-eye with him. But hey, he was quite nice today; telling me that life in the army was so good that was why he put on weight. The kind hospitality could also be due to the fact that perhaps I'm no longer there as a reservist but rather as a guest... Still I can’t get over the "military" style of management in the camp. That's one reason I resigned from the army 16 years ago....

I have no doubt I'll have a "swear" time with the SAF next week ....

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