Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Slim Lady's special day....

The Slim Lady gets a year older today.

Unlike most families, we don't usually celebrate birthdays, not even for the kids', other then giving the kids presents. The Slim Lady simply hates party because party messes up the house. Dine out? Oh, it's too troublesome I might as well stay at home, she'd usually say.

Well, this year, I decided to do things differently. I bought her flowers (why waste money? she had said)and it's not as if I'm buying her flowers for the first time! Treated her lunch at Phin's restaurant with Senior Junior. I also gave her a Flash-Disk MP3 players to store all her Korean songs.

She was happy; or at least she appeared to be....


Victor said...
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Victor said...

Chris, I realise that it's not just the two of us that have so much in common but our wives too! My wife also said that buying flowers is a waste of money - she'd rather I gave her the money, preferably in red packet, of course. Maybe it's true that what little romance that is left in a 16-year marriage is not going to be appreciated. But then again, she's probably just being more practical then mercenary.

Chris Sim said...

Ya, it does seem we have a lot in common, other than the kind of fishes we buy, huh? Heheh.. Believe it or not, the slim lady and I have been married for 16 years too! 16 year is a long time pal. I tried searching the net for the meaning of 16th year wedding anniversary and I found none! It started from the 1st to the 15th, mysteriously disappeared from the 16th to the 19th, and reappeared from the 20th to the 60th! What does this mean? That the light is gone for a couple that has been together for 16 years? And that somehow, magically, that light will be re-ignited on their 20th wedding anniversary?? I dunno man... Sometimes, marriage is hard...

JO kept telling me that women love flowers even if they tell us not to waste money. After my experience with the slim lady over the cancellation of my leave, I think JO is right. Women don't mean it when they say "yes"! They can lie in our face and appear nonchalant about issues at hand. No wonder they say "the men don't get it"! How can we get it if women don't tell us what women want?

BTW, JO is celebrating her Silver 25th year wedding anniversary this year with her husband.